Our First Janua Caeli Retreat Day!

I will allure her and lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her heart...

I will allure her and lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her heart...

Do you (or someone you know) desire to take a step away from the noise and busyness of the world, experience deeper prayer and relationships with others of faith, and learn more about living the Catholic faith as a young, single woman in today’s culture?  Then Janua Caeli is for you! 

The theme for our Saturday, April 21st Janua Caeli Retreat Day is Fullness of Grace: How to Receive an Overabundance of God’s Gifts.  The day of retreat will include talks, Eucharistic Adoration, Mass and the Divine Office prayed with the Dominican nuns, and more!

Our retreat master is Rev. Quan Tran, priest for the Diocese of Orange in California and founder of Fullness of Grace, a ministry aimed at helping Catholics and other Christians grow in their spiritual life by better understanding supernatural grace, and how to gain an abundance of God's gifts by imitating the qualities of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  To learn more about Father Tran and the Fullness of Grace ministry, visit www.fullnessofgrace.org.

Janua Caeli are days of retreat for single Catholic women between the ages of 18-38 who are not actively discerning a vocation, but desiring to learn more about and grow as Catholic women in today’s culture.  For more information about this and our other events, or to register, visit our Upcoming Events.