Deo Gratias! Our first Come and See: Virtual Retreat

Despite the difficult times in which we live, and in particular the radical changing of our interpersonal interactions due to COVID, all around us God is opening new windows of grace. This past weekend, we virtually hosted an energetic group of young women for our first Come and See: Virtual Retreat, and the weekend is a testament to God’s goodness.

From across the U.S., almost 20 young women responded to God’s invitation to spend the weekend in prayer and communion with Him, learning more about cloistered Dominican life, and interacting with our community and fellow discerners. The Virtual Retreat followed the flow our our regular day, so those attending were able to be with us virtually for Mass, the Divine Office and periods of adoration. Our retreat preacher was Father Thomas Aquinas Pickett, O.P., a friar of the Western Dominican Province currently assigned to Blessed Sacrament Church in Seattle, Washington. The conferences offered included two talks by Father Thomas Aquinas - one on Dominican Spirituality and a second on how to discern vocation with guidance from St. Thomas Aquinas, focusing on the virtues one needs to properly discern! And over the weekend, there was time for questions, vocation stories, and conversation with the community.

We are grateful for the young women who were with us for the Virtual Retreat and ask that you join us in continuing to keep them in prayer. We are also deeply grateful for Father Thomas Aquinas, our chaplain Father Reginald Martin, O.P., and all those who offered advice, support, and prayers as we hosted our first Come and See: Virtual Retreat. Thank you and God bless you!

And if you are (or someone you know is) a single, Catholic young woman who has been feeling a call to look closer at religious life, we invite you to check out our January Come and See: Virtual Retreat.