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Filtering by: Vocations

Come and See: A Virtual Retreat
to Jan 17

Come and See: A Virtual Retreat

COVID-19 restrictions may have us social distancing and staying home as much as possible, but God is still calling, perhaps now more than ever! If you are a single Catholic woman, between the ages of 18 - 38 years, discerning religious life and you want to learn more about cloistered Dominican life, this Come and See: Virtual Retreat is for you.

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Come and See: A Virtual Retreat
to Oct 25

Come and See: A Virtual Retreat

COVID-19 restrictions may have us social distancing and staying home as much as possible, but God is still calling, perhaps now more than ever! If you are a single Catholic woman, between the ages of 18 - 38 years, discerning religious life and you want to learn more about cloistered Dominican life, this Come and See: Virtual Retreat is for you.

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